The college will conduct impartial and thorough investigations of allegations of potential 第九条 and College-Wide Policy Against Sex Discrimination, Sexual Harassment, Sexual Assault and Other Forms of Sexual Violence, Dating Violence, Domestic Violence and Stalking violations and will objectively adjudicate disciplinary proceedings. A report may be made with the 华盛顿 City Police by the complainant or by the college if the alleged violation of the policy may also involve criminal behavior.

第九条 Investigation

Reports of sexual misconduct are made to the 第九条 Coordinator or designee. The results of a 第九条 investigation are a finding of fact and a determination of whether or not there was a 第九条 violation. Because the findings may become part of any future disciplinary proceedings and may be subpoenaed, the respondent may wish to seek legal counsel. Please see the policy for more information about the process.


The federal government requires colleagues to offer remedies and accommodations to anyone reporting a 第九条 violation or filing a case who present a violation policy, even before the investigation is concluded. These may include no-contact orders and changes in classes and housing, or work assignments. W&J will work to diffuse the impact of any requested accommodations on both the complainant and the respondent, but it is required to minimize the burden on the complainant.

Student Respondents

In the event that an investigation yields additional infractions of the Student Code of Conduct, a student respondent may be referred to the Director of Community Standards and 支持 Services. Please see the Student Code of Conduct section in the Student Handbook for more information.

教师 and 工作人员 Respondents

Complaints are received by the 第九条 Coordinator and are investigated as per the policy.